Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week 6- Window Light Photographs

I asked my nana, papa, sister, and father to be my models for this week. I can really see the complications with perfecting this style of photography, between the angles and the way the light hits the face. So many different areas to look out for.


  1. Good series Shania. Lucky you had so many models! I was not so lucky this weekend as my children were away this week for school vacation with family. The one on top is the strongest the gentleman face to face with the window is powerful.

    1. Thank you! My dad was the calmest model so I'm glad his pictures came out nice.

  2. Excellent Shania.... My favorites are the top 2 and the 3rd from the bottom... he is calm and accepting of the process and the light is hitting his face perfectly...

    See how in the bottom two the face is a bit distorted? That's from the wide angle lens on your camera... It is always better to shoot faces with a bit of zoom on the lens. You handled this assignment really well though.

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    2. Thank you, Professor Nevins. I did forget to take the pictures vertically as you suggested in the video guide. I will try to take some more and see if I improve for the last week.

  3. One of the things that makes this hard is that the person photographed can have a big opinion or get nervous... You dad being calm is what helped make a great shot... In time the photographer learns to take charge of a situation and calm the person being photographed down to get a better shot.
