Monday, February 12, 2018

week 4 reflections

This week was not a good week for shooting much of anything.  I tried on different occasions to shoot but with my new job I have to work sometimes 12 hours and so it has proven extremely difficult to go during the day.  Some of these photos I took are actually on our very own campus.  I love to shoot there.  There are hidden nooks and crannies all over.  You just have to take the time.  The others I have taken throughout town.  I like the one of the Hess gas station sign.  I think its pretty cool.  I also like the ones taken on campus of the trees.  I love photos like that.  I hope that this week is much better for shooting purposes so that I can redo some of these.  I had also taken some reflection photos in last weeks bunch so I hope between the two shoots I have enough to qualify them as a set. 
Some of these I did not edit.  I felt the integrity of the photo was better in its original form.  There was some dense fog in the evenings too which made everything even harder to see.  There is one that shows the campus area where I took the photo of the old basement doors, that was so that you all can see where the photo was taken and the edits made to it.  It was not attached simply for the reflection but more so for reference.  I will edit this later in the week so that you can see how they look without the bight lamps in the way.  I did not use flash for any of these and so the darkness is because of the natural light.
The portraits of my baby daughter I used because we were playing with lighting, also there was a nice reflection of the window in her eyes.  I also wanted to capture some of the interactions in the photo with my older twin with the same lighting.


  1. First of all, your window light portraits are really nice... you understood the next assignment and did an excellent job with it... light is falling on their faces perfectly....

    The foggy night pictures around Albertus are stronger overall than the next series... I especially like the view towards the campus center with the curving, wet and reflective pavement.

    Shooting at night is not easy... and the best way to maximize the quality of the image is to work with reflections and ambient light...

  2. Thank you Professor. I plan to re-shoot the evening ones on a less foggy evening. I think that area on campus is a gem to shoot at the right time of day/evening. Especially in the fall. I will be required to work in different parts of the city at this new job especially in the evenings so I will try to incorporate taking photos there when I can. I am still in training so it has not been easy to leave and breaks are very short.
