Tuesday, February 6, 2018

beach shoot take 2 as well as reflections on the water.

I hope this series is much better!  I captured the ones with the water and sky line for the "shadows" the sun created or reflections in the water if you will.  My other photos did not post in the proper location but I hope you all can enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them.  For the most part I remained on the ground for this shoot. I loved how the muscle shells resembled withered Angel wings, the "ball of shells" who's reflection looked like a duck was neat.  My favorite shots are the ones where I was on the ground looking between the muck looking toward the water.


  1. Hi Natasha, these photos are really great! Love all the seashell photos.

  2. Wow, 37 images... That's great. You have a good eye for seeing and lining up a shot. You aren't afraid to get in close and fill the frame. It looks like your time near the water was well spent and offered some needed "me" time. Keep up the good work.
