Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hurricane Relief Work

Hello everyone

In this weeks post my selected photos are not from downtown New Haven but instead from my travels throughout the island of Puerto Rico while providing hurricane relief efforts.  My pictures are a reflection of my mood at the moment of capture and symbolize a deeper connection that I feel with my ancestral land.

The fire hydrant picture was taken on our first day of travel while we stopped at a street vendor for some food.  I, as the fire hydrant, seemed out of place.  The fire hydrant was placed on a wooden deck which oversaw the side of a mountain. Our relief work had yet to begin.

That evening while I came across a trio of palm trees that immediately captured my attention.  The roots depicted in the image are a reflection of the roots I too have deeply ingrained in the island of Puerto Rico.  I edited the image to brighten the palm trees while contrasting the remaining area.

The following pictures are depicted in black and white because it is a reflection of my mood throughout the effort. You will note the second photo is darker than the first. A further reflection of my mood throughout the day.

Then when I felt full of despair this ray of light lifted my spirit...

On forward with the work that we were there to do! The following pictures of the mass destruction Hurricane Maria left behind.

Lastly, I depart with a simple image of a droplet of water cradled by a leaf. My interpretation, as water is the key to all life, is that Puerto Rico too will as the green leaf, be vibrant and full of life in the years to come.


  1. The stark, existential truth of the blown out houses told simply in black and white resonate deeply. Your wanting to include a rainbow is poignant and the last image of the drop of water, cradled by the leaf is a profound statement of human needs. Keep going!
